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About Jocelyn

I was born in the small town of Tooele, Utah, where the seeds of dedication and hard work were planted early in my life. Softball was my first passion, and I devoted myself to the sport from the age of 5. This dedication led me to play at the University of Providence, where I double majored in Health and Human Performance and Health and Physical Education. After graduating, softball took me across the world to play professionally in Sweden in 2017, an experience that broadened my horizons and introduced me to diverse cultures.

Returning home from Sweden marked a new chapter in my life. I began my career as a health teacher and head softball coach at a high school in Utah. However, my drive for personal and financial independence never waned. Alongside teaching, I delved into the world of real estate. My commitment mirrored my days on the softball field, and soon, real estate became more than an interest—it became a pathway to freedom.

After 4 years of investing, learning, and growing a portfolio, I achieved what many dream of: financial independence through real estate. This journey allowed me to retire from teaching and focus entirely on expanding my investments. Now, with dozens of rentals and a deep understanding of the Utah real estate market, my life is dedicated to guiding others on their path to financial freedom.

As a Realtor and investor, I'm passionate about sharing the lessons I've learned and the strategies that have worked for me. I believe that real estate isn't just about buying and selling properties; it's about building a legacy and transforming lives. I'm committed to helping others realize their potential and achieve their version of financial independence.

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